gtag('config', 'AW-327635198');

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January 2025

Prayer Walk

January 9, 2025 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Second of the month, repeating until July 31, 2026

Bridge Church, 9066 S 300 W
Sandy, UT 84070 United States
+ Google Map

We will meet at the church at 6PM for prayer, then we'll drive to the neighborhood/location and begin our prayer walk.

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Homeless Outreach

January 25, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 10:00 am on day Fourth of the month, repeating until July 31, 2026

Bridge Church, 9066 S 300 W
Sandy, UT 84070 United States
+ Google Map

We will meet at the church at 10AM for prayer and set up, then load up and drive to the park/location to hand out sack-lunches to the homeless.

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February 2025

Prayer Walk

February 13, 2025 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Second of the month, repeating until July 31, 2026

Bridge Church, 9066 S 300 W
Sandy, UT 84070 United States
+ Google Map

We will meet at the church at 6PM for prayer, then we'll drive to the neighborhood/location and begin our prayer walk.

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Homeless Outreach

February 22, 2025 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 10:00 am on day Fourth of the month, repeating until July 31, 2026

Bridge Church, 9066 S 300 W
Sandy, UT 84070 United States
+ Google Map

We will meet at the church at 10AM for prayer and set up, then load up and drive to the park/location to hand out sack-lunches to the homeless.

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March 2025

Prayer Walk

March 13, 2025 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 6:00 pm on day Second of the month, repeating until July 31, 2026

Bridge Church, 9066 S 300 W
Sandy, UT 84070 United States
+ Google Map

We will meet at the church at 6PM for prayer, then we'll drive to the neighborhood/location and begin our prayer walk.

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"AW-327635198": { "groups": "default" }